Jonathan Peacher

DjangoCon US 2024

I wasn’t able to attend in person this year or take too many notes due to work, but I was able to enjoy a few great talks in between things! Here’s to next year! 🤞🏼

Day 1

Choosing Wisely: SPA vs. HTMX for Your Next Web Project

Error Culture

[Error culture] accepts error notifications and ignores them, encouraging a reactive firefighting culture, instead of a proactive culture of problem-solving.

Don’t take down a fence unless you know why it was put up. – Chesterson’s Fence

Product 101 for Techies and Tech Teams

Passkeys: Your password-free future

The magical incatation! 🪄

# The main setup.
MFA_SUPPORTED_TYPES = ["webauthn"]

# Allow email recovery.

# Allow creation without username.

The art of (not) redirecting

Your URLs are a mirror to the soul of your code.

❤️ Django: the web framework that changed my life

Day 2

Keynote: How To Be A Developer and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves

To be a better developer is to be a better person to others.

Lightning Talks

❤️ Finding 2.0

Now is better than never – The Zen of Python

Change is coming. Change is inevitable. The question isn’t if we are going to change, but how. Because we’re either going to change by design or by disaster – Annie Leonard

Don’t wait for disaster, 2.0 is not sacred.

You got that nice tech salary, now what?

How to design and implement extensible software with plugins

Day 3

❤️ Keynote: The Fellowship of the Pony

❤️ Hidden gems of Django 5.x

❤️ A Brief History of Django

Django User Model: Past, Present, and Future

“We should push the user model back to being Django’s responsibility and address that leak.” – Carlton Gibson

API Maybe: Bootstrapping a Web Application circa 2024

Lean into Django.

Django has always been the framework for perfectionists with deadlines. When those deadlines are financial, all the more so. Django is the perfect web framework for our post-zero percent interest rate world.

Locality of Behavior is a starting point not a destination

[Locality of behavior] is a tool, not an end in itself.

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